Monsieur Bome figurines are displayed on the wall for inspiration.
Bjork's Post Album with Bjork Autograph for inspiration. An Album of anime, MegaZone23 is next to it. The sound studio, a C.C. figurine from Code Geass, an Akira (Bome) figurine, a "IHeartRaves" bag, a Hello Kitty Fight Mask, is displayed by the sound studio.
This Desk is the main production studio. A PC, Lightbox, and Scanner is used as Tools of the Trade plus lots of TALENT!!! Above the desk is 30+ books on animation and about a hundred issues of Computer Music.
The ambience of Figurines and Bome Figurines serve as inspiration for the Hugger Hugger Company. Above the window is a Fan collection, with a Slayers fan, a Mikunopolis fan, a Aemoba Music fan, and a Love Festival fan. A Bjork album, of course, and a bed for cuddling with females.
two Xenosaga Bome figurines, a NoNo from Diebuster Aim for the Top figurine, a Karen and Rio Bunnygirl figurines, lots of anime, 60s erotic spy novels, warhammer rpg, naughty japanese hentai games, etc
A Dirty Pair figurine set, a figurine of Gina Carano (the artist has trained 2 months in Las Vegas with Gina Carano, the star of Haywire); the complete Oni Devil Girl collection from Bome, Warhammer Novels, anime, anime, anime, lol.
the Art Director, Animator, Character Designer, Writer, Director, Live-Action actor, martial-arts choreographer, illustrator and Do-It-All: David Cardamone, with Gina Carano.
This Desk is the main production studio. A PC, Lightbox, and Scanner is used as Tools of the Trade plus lots of TALENT!!! Above the desk is 30+ books on animation and about a hundred issues of Computer Music.
The ambience of Figurines and Bome Figurines serve as inspiration for the Hugger Hugger Company. Above the window is a Fan collection, with a Slayers fan, a Mikunopolis fan, a Aemoba Music fan, and a Love Festival fan. A Bjork album, of course, and a bed for cuddling with females.
two Xenosaga Bome figurines, a NoNo from Diebuster Aim for the Top figurine, a Karen and Rio Bunnygirl figurines, lots of anime, 60s erotic spy novels, warhammer rpg, naughty japanese hentai games, etc
A Dirty Pair figurine set, a figurine of Gina Carano (the artist has trained 2 months in Las Vegas with Gina Carano, the star of Haywire); the complete Oni Devil Girl collection from Bome, Warhammer Novels, anime, anime, anime, lol.
the Art Director, Animator, Character Designer, Writer, Director, Live-Action actor, martial-arts choreographer, illustrator and Do-It-All: David Cardamone, with Gina Carano.
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